Our Training

We are recruiting! See below for details

Lion Dance is a deep and multifaceted performance art which has something for everyone. You will have the opportunity to train every role, from the lion to the musical instruments to the Big Head Buddha - all of which will enable you to develop both physical and musical skills.
Some of our members who at first professed no prior experience with Lion Dance, a lack of physical ability or musical ability, have since become capable and confident in these areas and regularly perform with us in public. 

There are no prerequisites to join other than a willingness to give your best effort in learning. As long as you do, you will see the results.

We train multiple times a week to hone our skills and to rehearse upcoming performances.

If you are interested please get in touch with Greg to discuss joining us for an introductory session!

Musical instruments (Drum, cymbals, gong)

Instructor Matt Williams walking through a performance before a costumed rehearsal

Practicing Lion Head characteristics and movements